Expired Service Life If your Epson L1800 printer is displaying the “Service Required” message

Expired Service Life
If your Epson L1800 printer is displaying the “Service Required” message, it may be due to the printer’s waste ink pad counter being full. However, you can reset this counter using the Epson L1800 Software for Resetter Adjustment.

To reset your printer, follow these steps:
1. Turn on your printer and connect it to your computer using a USB cable.
2. Download the Epson Resetter software.
3. Extract the downloaded file.
4. Open the AdjProg.exe file and accept the terms and conditions.
5. Select the “Particular adjustment mode” option.
6. Click on “Waste ink pad counter” and then click “OK.”
7. Check the boxes next to “Main Pad Counter” and “Platen Pad Counter.”
8. Click “Check” and then click “OK.”
9. Click “Initialization” and then click “OK.”
10. Once the process is complete, close the adjustment program.
11. Turn off your printer and then turn it back on.
12. Your printer should now be reset and ready to use.

By following these steps, you can easily reset your Epson L1800 printer and continue using it without any issues. Enjoy!{“code”:0,”msg”:”请求出现异常”,”data”:{}}

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