Canon MP236MP198MP258MP259 dedicated zero software download and use tutorial
If you use Canon MP236, MP198, MP258, or MP259 printers, you may experience some problems, such as printer errors or cartridge counters reaching the upper limit. In this case, you can use the clean up software to solve these problems.
The following is a tutorial for downloading and using the Canon MP236, MP198, MP258 and MP259 dedicated zeroclearing software:
1. Download the zero clearing software
You can search “Canon MP236, MP198, MP258, MP259 Clean Up software” on the Internet to find a reliable download link. Make sure the software you download is the latest version and comes from a trusted website.

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2. Install the software
Once the download is complete, double-click the installer and follow the prompts to install. After the installation is complete, open the software.
3. Connect the printer
Connect the printer to your computer and make sure the printer is turned on.
4. Select a printer model
Select your printer model in the software, such as MP236, MP198, MP258, or MP259.
5. Clear the counter
Select the “Clear counter” option in the software and follow the prompts. After clearing the counter, your printer will work normally again.
It should be noted that the zeroclear software can only clear the cartridge counter, and cannot fix the hardware failure. If your printer has a hardware failure, it is recommended to contact a professional repair personnel to repair it.
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